Sunday, April 4, 2010

Candy for breakfast? Forget about it!

Hoppy Easter! Wakey,'s 5 am and and time to eat 10 pounds of candy!!! Yes, one of the joys of parenthood is the 5 am wake-up call on all major holidays. Of course 'The Big One' being Christmas, but after that Easter is a close second. Then there's Halloween (more candy), Valentine's Day (more candy), Thanksgiving (just for the parade), St. Patrick's Day (the leprechans), Mother's Day & Father's Day (which for some reason involves waking up said parent very early to say "Happy Mother's/Father's Day"), and of course birthdays. Fireworks at 4th of July can go either way... super cool to watch or screaming/crying for your life.

Anyway, it's Easter today and my friend said, "You know you're old when waking up at 5am to eat candy for breakfast doesn't hold the same appeal." How true. The thought of eating all that candy in the morning makes me kind of sick now. Not that it stops me from sneaking a few pieces from the kids' baskets. As I'm popping my 5th handful of jellybeans, trying not to be seen by the Easter basket guardsmen, I'm thinking "Gross...I don't even want this! Stop it!" Then I stop. But later I take just a little nibble of a bunny ear. (Chocolate bunny of course, not the kind out back eating all my birdseed). It has to be a strategic nibble so as not to be noticed by the bunny owner. A little off a pre-nibbled spot, sort of spread out. No new chomps will do. That will definitely set off the kid alarms.

So I guess I'm a grown-up now since I'd rather have sleep than chocolate (most of the time). I also know I'm a 'grown-up' because of my, ahem, shall we say, slight loss of memory. I used to be able to roll through my finely tuned, highly organized rollodex in my brain and recall exactly where I placed that extra screw from the curtain rod I hung 2 years ago that I could really use right now. Now, I'm lucky if I can remember my kid's names without looking them up. I do that thing that my mother, and yes, YOUR mother did too, where I call them by a string of names, including the dead dogs' names, before I finally get the right one. My daughter even told me today that she wants to be just like me. (aw... I love my kids). Then she went on. "Because then I could forget scary things since you forget everything mom!" (anyone want a 7-year old?)

So the thought/fact of the day is:
I'm not old, I'm just a grown-up.

It's all in how you phase it. And after all, it's great to be a grown-up. Even if you don't want to, you CAN eat 10 pounds of chocolate, and it doesn't even have to be Easter. You're allowed. (Although I wouldn't recommend it.) I remember thinking when I was a kid, that when I was grown up and and living on my own that I'd have candy every day, because my parents couldn't stop me. Well, I guess I could. But I think I'll pass. It's more fun to sneak it from the kids anyway...and the calories don't count when you sneak it from THEM. It's their candy...their calories, right?

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